The Brethren Mission
Brethren, we will passionately live and share the radical transformation and holistic peace of Jesus Christ through relationship-based neighborhood engagement. To move us forward, we will develop a culture of calling and equipping disciples who are innovative, adaptable, and fearless.”

Ministry Team
The Ministry Team encourages the congregation to grow in the ways of Jesus. They strive to provide a welcoming environment as a faith community, and hope to encourage others to live out the mission of "Continuing the work of Jesus." The Team invites open conversation, encourages visioning, and promotes trustworthy relationships so that all may find a faith-home here. They present a variety of sermons and worship experiences to enhance our spiritual health. They treasure and respect the guidance of the Leadership Team and its supportive committees. Ministry opportunities for others are encouraged and in this way we celebrate each other's gifts.

Andrew J.O. Wright
Coordinating Pastor
Andrew enjoys being with people, sharing good conversation and telling stories. He and his wife, Debi, have three children and five grandchildren. Andrew has been in ministry over 40 years and was a doctoral advisor at Ashland Seminary and an adjunct professor at Bethany Seminary. Debi is a retired teacher. Together they enjoy the arts and the simple pleasure of being together. They look forward to the coming years with great expectation.
Bob is the Minister of Pastoral Care. His position includes connecting with congregational members who are ill, grieving, or shut-in. This also includes supporting the Deacon Ministry as they serve the congregation. He does this with visitation and/or phone calls to hospitals, nursing facilities, or their homes. He reports that he enjoys these visitations and finds that "everyone has a story to tell," and he feels privileged to have this opportunity to listen to them. He often states, "I have the best job at Oakland." Bob welcomes any requests for a visit or call.
Associate Pastor
Ronda has been a member of Oakland since 2001 and currently serves as an Associate Pastor. She has volunteered in various ways, including dinner theater, worship leading, assisting in the technology booth, and working in the kitchen.
She is a Registered Veterinary Technician who spends her limited free time reading, knitting, and "loving on my dog and cats.”
In years gone by, Burt and his wife, Helen, served a two-year term through Brethren Volunteer Service in Puerto Rico. Before serving as a pastor, he was a secondary school principal, teacher, and coach. Burt has been ordained in ministry for 43 years, and during that time he served three churches as full-time pastor, as well as serving as a pastor for three short-term interims.
He and Helen are currently coordinators of Southern OH/KY Brethren Disaster Ministries. He has stated, "It is a pleasure to serve Christ and the Church in whatever ways we can."
Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor/Music Coordinator
Vicki has been the Music Coordinator and on the Ministry Team since the Fall of 2023. She organizes the music activities and communicates with the Ministry Team and musicians for each Sunday morning worship. Vicki has been an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren for over 25 years. In addition to ministry, she was a music educator in the public schools for 31 years and an adjunct music instructor at Wright State University for 9 years. Since 1987, she has played clarinet with the Dayton Philharmonic Concert Band. Vicki encourages people to use their musical gifts to worship God through the various musical opportunities at Oakland. If you are searching for a worship opportunity with an active Music Ministry, Oakland may be the place for you. Vicki believes “there is always a chair and a music stand available for everyone!”
Support Staff

Dianna Sampsel
Administrative Assistant
Dianna is the Administrative Assistant for the staff and has attended Oakland for many years. Not only does Dianna facilitate office duties, but she is also the kitchen coordinator for meal preparation for all church-related events. With her love of cooking, Dianna has begun a small catering business and makes special occasion cakes. If you don’t find her in our kitchen, you may see her preparing meals to serve at the Grace Resurrection Community Center in Greenville. Dianna also loves to read and garden. She is married to Patrick and has three adult children: Rick, Charlie, and Lizzy. She also has two grandchildren, Calvin and Elden.
Assistant Music Coordinator
Christopher joined the Oakland Music Team on October 1st, 2023, where he serves as the director of Bell's Choir, Women's Choir, and Adult Choir. He is currently in his seventh year at Greenville High School, where he serves as the Assistant Director and Accompanist for the Greenville Senior High School Vocal Music Department.
A graduate of Greenville High School, Christopher was deeply involved in the school’s Vocal Music Department, participating in Men’s Choir, Concert Choir, Choraliers, and The Wavaires. He was also an active member of the Instrumental Band Department, performing in Symphonic Band, Concert Band, and Marching Band. His instrumental background includes experience with the Flute, Saxophone, and Baritone.
Christopher attended The Ohio State University and Sinclair Community College. At OSU he participated in The University Chorus and Men's Glee.
Christopher’s passion for music began at the age of five when he started playing the piano at his local church, a connection that inspired him to serve as a Music Director for multiple churches throughout his career. In addition to his work at Oakland and Greenville, Christopher is an adjudicator for Varsity Vocals, evaluating Acappella performances across the U.S. His dedication to music and education continues to influence and enrich the musical community he serves.
Betty has been a member of Oakland since 2007. She is married to Frank Marchal and together they have 5 children and 7 grandsons. She has volunteered in many ways at Oakland over the years, working with children of all ages, singing in the choir, performing in dinner theater, and as a deacon. She enjoys working with the youth of Oakland as she challenges them to be followers of Jesus by providing experiences, teaching Brethren education, and promoting Christian values. When at home you will find her either in her garden or sewing room.
Betty Byrd

Mike Hogg
Business Coordinator
Mike has been attending Oakland for over 20 years and has served as the Business Coordinator since 2001. He is a member of the Faithful Servants Sunday School Class and participates in a variety of music programs. He enjoys worshiping at Oakland and appreciates all the welcoming people and their belief in serving others. Mike lives in Greenville with his wife, Alice. Their family includes a daughter Whitney, son-in-law Joe, and a granddaughter Brooke.