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Image by Jake Givens
Oakland Church of the Brethren Logo
Oakland Church of the Brethren Logo

Our Vision

Connecting people to Jesus to make a lasting difference in your life, the community, and the world

Oakland Church of the Brethren Sunday Service Image
Oakland Church of the Brethren Children & Youth Programming
Oakland Church of the Brethren Staff
Oakland Church of the Brethren Ministries

Sunday Worship

Worship @ 10:30 lasts about an hour

Mix of contemporary music and traditional

Come as you are, casual is perfectly fine

Join us online with FB live, we have an active online group that is involved in Worship


About Us

Oakland is a growing, vital congregation who desires to welcome all people into God’s family. Its roots in the Harris Creek Church of the Brethren, Oakland began as a separate congregation in 1865, growing to a current size of over 200 active members.

Oakland Values:

  • A deep and active relationship with God;

  • A deep and active relationship with one another;

  • A commitment to serve the community and world;

  • A commitment to welcome all people with the love of Jesus Christ.

We believe in a loving, faithful God who through Jesus, lived, died, and is risen to offer all people salvation and meaningful life today. We believe the Holy Spirit guides and gives us power to fulfill God’s purposes for us. We believe the Bible is God’s living Word and guide for our lives, and through the church community we work together to continue the work of Jesus in the world.

At Oakland you will find ministries and opportunities for all ages, meaningful worship, and a safe place to encounter God’s healing love. Please come and be a part of Oakland’s family!



We provide many Ministries within Oakland Church of the Brethren as well as throughout our community.

  • Community Clothing Bank

  • Quilting Group

  • Outreach Ministries

Please contact us to learn more about our Ministries

Social Media
  • Oakland Church of the Brethren on Facebook
  • Oakland Church of the Brethren on Instagram

(Every Sunday on Facebook Live)

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